Flyleaf Q & A Interview/ Testimony (Part 1)

Posted: June 28, 2010 in ARTICLES, Testimonies
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Disclaimer: All text is from Options Magazine Summer 2010 Edition. It is a free Christian Youth and Young Adult Magazine. Everything is as is and all belongs to Options Magazine. No copyright infringement.

lead singer – Lacey Mosley

They are a media savvy, platinum selling band which often performs in every secular venues. They are also known for a close relationship with their fans – and with their Saviour.

Flyleaf’s songs have appeared in video games; and on the Resident Evil: Extinction soundtrack. Their ‘Missing’ video recently won the MTV contest. In June, the band is scheduled to share the main stage with Megadeth and Rage Against the Machine, at the Download Festival in the UK.

Responding to the group being labelled a ‘Christian band’, lead singer Lacey Mosley once said: “We kind of think about something P.O.D. says, like, ‘If you’re a Christian, it affects everything in your life. So if you’re a plumber, does that make you a Christian plumber?”

In the following In the following interview, Mosley speaks of her personal struggles, her faith and Rock the River.

Q: What was your life like before you became a Christian?

A: I was an atheist My life’s mission was to make people understand how stupid it was to believe God. I felt like they were limiting their freedom by avoiding all these bad things that were so fun.

I was a bad influence on a lot of people. But those bad things I was encouraging people to do were destroying my life, too: dark music and drugs and hanging out with people who always had something bad to say about their family, or were always picking fights.

Spiritually, it was super damaging. We see what hurts our body, our emotions or our mind, but we don’t always understand when we are hurting our spirit. I was hurting mine, and I felt empty inside.

I woke up one morning at age 16, and decided to commit suicide. I had thought about it a million times, but this day I resolved to do it. But this same day, my grandmother forced me to go to church.

Q: What happened at church?

A: The preacher pretty much started to tell my life’s story. he spoke to everything that was going on in my life. And then he said, “There is a suicidal spirit in the room. Please come up here and let us pray with you.”

My hair stood up, and I thought, I’m not going up there. So I didn’t. When they dismissed the service, I started to walk out the door; but an older man who was a deacon in the church caught me and asked to speak to me. He said, “The Lord wants you to know that even though you’ve never known an earthly father, he will be a better Father to you than any earthly father could ever be.”

I didn’t know my father, but I thought this was a coincidence. I had purple hair and wore a rock T-shirt, so I thought, “He probably just assumes that I don’t have a dad.”

“Can I pray with you?” he asked. “God knows all the pain that is going on in your hear. Jesus died to take your pain away, and he wants to heal that pain.” Every time he said ‘pain’, my heart broke. There was so much of it in me.

We started to pray, and I felt God’s presense in a powerful way. I also felt the sin in me, all the things that I had tried to justify. If God had cast me away in that moment, it would have been right. I would have said, “Amen.”

Standing in the presence of God, I understood that unless we recognize our sin and repent from it and agree with him that, “Yes, that’s wrong” – and then let him dress us in something different – we can’t mix with his purity. It just won’t happen. It can’t happen, because God is so pure.

…to be continued

Rock The River Tour >>

  1. […] Flyleaf Q & A Interview/ Testimony (Part 1) […]

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